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Borderline Studios Producer's Academy

B.L.O. Music Group / Borderline Studios will prepare you for working in
an evolving and dynamic field. It will develop your technical and
creative skills and give you the confidence to build a professional career
in audio. You’ll leave us primed to take your next step within the



18 Month Course:
• Intro to Computer Music Production
• Beats & Rhythms.
• Instruments, Melody & Harmony
• Audio & Warping
• Audio Effects
• MIDI & Controllers
• Arrangement & Automation
• Mixing
• Synthesis
• Sampling
• Going Further with Ableton/ PreSonus       Studio One 5
• Rhythm & Beats
• Keys, Chords & Arpeggios
• Chord Progressions, Basslines &                   Rhythm• Riffs, Melodies & Hooks
• Approaches to Writing.
• Extending Music Theory
• Structure & Track Analysis - Massive            Tunes
• Extra Musical Touches & Arranging
• Writing Vocals & Collaborating
• Applying Vocals
• Finishing Tracks
• Production & Creative Essentials
• Importing/Editing Audio
• Audio Tempo Matching
• Creating Breakbeats
• Recording in Ableton
• Automation; Editing Automation
• Recording & Editing Vocals
• Editing & "comping" Best Take
• Creative Warping
• Advanced Sampling in Simpler & Sampler
• Multi-Sampling/Velocity Switching
• Creative FX at Work
• EQ; Compression, FX, Inserts
• The Mixing Environment & Critical Listening
• Starting a mix
• Controlling Dynamics
• Separation in the mix - EQ
• Space & Depth - Reverb
• Delays & related effects
• Tape Echo, Ping Pong,
• Creative Mixing
• Mixing Vocals
• The Mix Process
• Complete Mix Walkthroughs
• Basic Mastering
• Music Industry Basics
• Record Companies
• A&R
• Copyright

• Social Media & Web Design
• Other Forms of Digital Marketing
• Getting Exposure
• Press, Radio, Blogs, Playlists, TV
• Publishing, Management, Producer agreements
• Sample Clearance & Synchronization
• Future of the Music Industry
• Mastering Process & Sound Theory
• Digital Audio Theory
• Monitoring
• Workflow, Phase & Metering
• Frequency Spectrum & EQ
• Dynamics: Compression, Limiting & De-Essing
• Dynamics: Multiband & Parallel
• Mastering in Action
• Audio Restoration & Noise Reduction
• Level & Tonal Coherence
• Album Work
• Mastering for Different Media
• Record & Publishing Labels
• Mastering Works
• Management Companies
• Working as a Team
• Project Management
• Working with a Budget
• Approaching People in the Industry
• Digital Conferencing
• Planning a Digital Release
• Marketing & Promotion
• Launching Release

• Complete 3 original tracks during classroom sessions
• Create social media profiles and multiple on-line ad campaigns to build
your fanbase and producer credits
• Create plan and execute a music video to showcase one of your original

• Publishers & Collection Societies
• Synchronization
• Digital Distribution
• Artist Management
• The Live Industry

• Business Models & Opportunities
• Planning for Business
• Professional Development
• Copyright & Infringement
• Negotiating Record Deals & Other Deals
• Identity & Branding
• Using Design & Content Tools
• Marketing


We follow an apprenticeship approach to training where practical,  ‘hands-on’ skills are developed and supported by the relevant theory.  You will have exclusive, individual access to our professional standard  studio workstations, giving you the tools to put into practice all the  concepts covered during classrooms. Our comprehensive curriculum  ensures that you leave with a highly developed understanding of the  music industry and equipped to thrive in the ever-evolving world of  audio production.


Time investment: 2 days a week, 2 hours per class (minimum) plus one of lab work for two 5-month semesters, plus a 6-month internship


There is a required paid 6-month internship to apply your newly acquired skills and refine your craft to help finish out your studies and receive hands-on ONE-on-ONE training and coaching


Requirements: Laptop or desktop computer—Windows or Mac Based able to  support Ableton, Pro-Tools, and PreSonus Studio One, 64gig thumb drive, and  2 TB Ext hard drive 


Financial investment:

Monthly tuition $1,720 ($17,200 for the term) $860 per week


Or Pay 5 months of tuition: 2 payments of $7,850 (15,700 for the term/save $1500) $785 per  week 

Or pay both semester terms one-time payment: $13,600 (save $3600 / $680 per week)


All payments are due at the beginning of the month. You will be invoiced 2 weeks before the  payment is due 



Start a career, not a job!!

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